This is our most popular product by far.
The Easy Swing Bungee Harness was designed to help stop repetetive injuries and sprains whilst using a Metal Detector.
After having problems myself whilst swinging in long corn stubbleI needed to try and help stop things like tennis elbow developing through continuously using a detector for several hours in such situations. The Easy Swing is the result and I have used one ever since even on the lightest of detectors like the XP Deus. Its not the weight so much causes the problem but the swinging.
The Easy Swing Bungee Harness was designed to help stop repetetive injuries and sprains whilst using a Metal Detector.
After having problems myself whilst swinging in long corn stubbleI needed to try and help stop things like tennis elbow developing through continuously using a detector for several hours in such situations. The Easy Swing is the result and I have used one ever since even on the lightest of detectors like the XP Deus. Its not the weight so much causes the problem but the swinging.