Identifying Metal Artefacts by Brian Read

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Regular price £17.45

Formerly published as "Metal Artefacts of Antiquity”, now re-printed as a great aid to identification and dating of metal detecting finds.

This is a well-researched and illustrated title from Brian Read and contains hundreds of archaeological quality line drawing, allowing the reader to identify their finds with ease. The book covers such items as: Mounts - Pendant Suspension Mounts and Pendants - Strap Distributors - Terrets - Spurs and Spur Fittings - Horses' Bit - Keys and Locks - Seal-Boxes - Seal Matrices - Daggers and Knives and their Fittings - Sword Fittings - Spear - Tools - Spoons - Brooches - Weights and Weighing Apparatus - Candleholders - Lamp Suspenders and Lanterns - Purse Bars and Pendent Frames -Lead Tokens..